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Ezequiel Mazariegos (Argentyna) Jorge Mónaco (Argentyna) Karlo Sosa (Argentyna) Daniel Tubio (Argentyna) Tony Peri (Australia) Duncan Waldron (Australia) David Tatnall (Australia) Paul d'Aubioul (Belgia) Wolfgang Thoma (Belgia) Leandro Bugni (Brazylia) Brawny Meireles (Brazylia) Branimir Fagarazzi (Chorwacja) Dubravko Graklić (Chorwacja) Ivica Kis (Chorwacja) Boris Stromar (Chorwacja) Thodoris Tzalavras (Cypr) Zdenek Bakstein (Czechy) Jiří Černohorský (Czechy) Stanislav Klváček (Czechy) Stanislav Sedlak (Czechy)

Manifesto Estenopeico

The Estenopeica camera is tool of freedom liberty. It releases the creative angel, put its on movement. It takes it of drowsiness where it has been exiled. Anarchical by nature it does not respect formats, it builds them. It is not seduced by technology, by the contrary it takes it on its own benefit. Technology put on its knees. Estenopeica camera can everything for being mother and seed simultaneously of modern photography. Didactic tool that aloud us to understand the more basic concepts of photography On their sines all the iconographic images are fed and icon-kinetic, there is no visible wavelength and invisible can that it, it procreates in different instances. The apprehension of the technique estenopeíca is a process staggered of shared knowledge because it affirms identity to whom constructs it and handles, revalues the soul of the destitutes technologically, reconstituting the social weave. She is ample and deep. Subtle and quiet it molds perfect images.

by Karlo Sosa

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