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Katrina Rodrigo (Filipiny) Tarja Trygg (Finlandia) Raimo Virtanen (Finlandia) Alain Bacouël (Francja) Rachel Brown (Francja) Claude Cogny (Francja) Alain Gayster (Francja) Daniel Gourribon (Francja) Jean Pierre Heuet (Francja) Eric Marais (Francja) Marie-Noëlle Leroy (Francja) Jean-Philippe Pernot (Francja) Patrice de Santa Coloma (Francja) Henry Thomas (Francja) George Tsagareli (Gruzja) Unai Ruiz Amestoy (Hiszpania) Siqui Sánchez (Hiszpania) Hugo Keizer (Holandia) Feransis Mati (Indonezja) Deni Sugandi (Indonezja) Mark Doxey (Ireland) Toshi Hayashi (Japonia) Edward Levinson (Japonia) Halto Mori (Japonia) Ayamo Suzuki (Japonia) Delio Ansovini (Kanada) Bob St.Cyr (Kanada) Philippe Fournier (Kanada) Fabrizio Rosato (Kanada) Arunas Kulikauskas (Litwa) María Luisa Santos Cuéllar (Meksyk) Christoph Just (Niemcy) Volkmar Schelle (Niemcy) Thomas Töpler (Niemcy) Des Brough (Nowa Zelandia)

I'm working as a professional photographer, specialized in editorial and corporate work since 1986. I usually shoot for book covers, advertising and corporate clients, especially nautical shipyards, and medical institutions.
I'm very insterested in panoramic formats and pinhole, and i often use this technical for commercial jobs, basically for hotels and architecture. You can see my comnmercial work on my website:
I'm not interested in the classical pinhole look, (usually a blurred b&w), and I try to avoid it. I reworked a lot my pictures in Photoshop in order to enhance them to reach an image that you can't identify immediatelly as a pinhole picture. In this sense, I work with the cameras also, and I construct them the finest way possible. You can see some of themas well as more pinhole images on my website devoted to pinhole:
Here you can read alsoabout the Stupid Camera Project also.

Siqui Sánchez

Web site: Siqui Sánchez

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